新锐涂鸦设计师Emil Kozak
Emil Kozak出生于丹麦的一个小镇,他很小的时候就从滑板艺术中得到灵感,开始在平面设计方面展现出他的技能,知道今天他成为一个有着独特天分及才气的艺术家。他的作品在欧洲和美国被广泛地展出,出现在许多杂志上以及作为网站的一种标志。他的作品种类很多包括滑板、T恤、CD封套、网站、招贴等等,作品都很具有鲜明的街头涂鸦特色。
Emil Kozak is from a small town in Denmark, and was inspired to take on graphic design as a result of his life long passion for skateboarding.
He began at an early age to develop his skills, inspired by skateboard-art and the result today is a unique artist with brilliant ideas. The style is fresh and positive, but often with a message that digs deeper. He is a master of composition and has an eye for detail, that is not seen very often. Typographic, clean lines and few colors is often how Emil Kozak`s artwork is described. Yet, there is always an unexpected surprise: obscure references, playing with words, codes and hints.
As a result his work has been exhibited widely in Europe and US, appeared in numerous magazines and featured on websites. He has produced design and artwork for clients such as Instant Winner (US), Graniph (JP), Ykiki (DK), ELEMENT (US), Monsieur T (FR/US), Blah Apparel (DK), LAB (DK), Streetmachine (US, FR, DK), VANS (US), Eastpak (US), Philip Braunstein (BRA), D:A:D (DK), Planet Earth (US), Hulger (UK) and Norse (DK)”
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