Stand 1/4 lights“墙角的1/4灯”创意灯具设计:
很简单的设计,却有种可爱的感觉,像一个人偷偷的躲在角落中,来自韩国设计师Ji Young Shon的Stand 1/4 lights。设计师说,为什么落地灯要放在角落中?为什么灯照是圆形的?若是变为四分之一大小,那岂不是更节省空间材料以及包装?于是,一个被裁切过的落地灯诞生了。
Stand 1/4 lights 刚好可以放在两面墙的交接处,1/4的设计就是为了这一角落而设计的,摆脱了普通台灯太过规则无法在墙角放置的问题,大大节约了空间,也给人以错位的美感。
The Stand 1/4 lights by Korean designer Ji Young Shon. I love this design! It is only 1/4 size the original light, perfect for standing the corner. Come with the floor and table versions. Ji Yong writes:
“Why is lamp shade cylinder? Why do we put stand light at the corner?
Eliminate space eater but keep lighting more than before.
I add wit on this design by just chopping into 4 pieces of lamps from conventional stand lamp design.
And now we save material, package, logistics and space as well”