爆破创意摄影 Martin Klimas
对瓷像而言,德国摄影师Martin Klimas显然不是个合格的主人,因为在摄影师的porcelain figurines系列作品中 、碎裂的瓷像是作品中唯一的主角。在拍摄时,Matinu使瓷像从近3米的高度摔落,并用高速摄影采集瓷像落地的瞬间画画。这些碎裂的瞬间,加上功夫瓷像的动作神态,给人带来强烈的视觉冲击和动态的暴力美感 ,这静物仿佛在瞬间灵魂附体 ,以抛弃完整、换来这一刹那生命的绽放。
german photographer martin klimas created the series ‘porcelain figurines’. the collection of images were captured just
as each of the fragile objects hit the ground after being dropped from a height of 9.8 feet. the artist was able to take the photos
by wiring his camera in such a way that the sound each figurine made as they touch the ground tripped the device’s shutter release.
in addition to the dynamic quality observed in the pose of each porcelain action character, by dropping the objects,
klimas is able to enhance the sense of liveliness through the shard-constructed elongation of each figure’s form.