2017-10-19 | 所属分类 [ 摄影 ]
Jesús González ’1/2 portraits’
委内瑞拉艺术家Jesús González的作品’1/2 portraits’,将同一个人不同角度的照片进行拼贴切割,把人像的侧面和半张正面巧妙地结合在一起,创造出视觉上的冲突与错觉!
利用他的摄影搭配 Photoshop 技巧,来自委内瑞拉的 Jesús González 创作出这些奇妙的多向人像错视作品,就直接定名为〝二分之一〞。这些照片让你从不同方向与角度观看时都可以发现不同的人像,他让被摄者在白色背景之前拍摄,然后再以 Photoshop 结合不同的层次与面向,González 创作出魔术般的错视摄影作品。
For his series ‘1/2‘, venezuelan artist jesús gonzález rodríguez creates unsettling portraits by collaging multiple photographs of individuals and ‘cutting’ out along their edges. each image is composed of a head-on and side view of the subject against a blank white wall, creating a nearly optical-illusion in which the portraits can appear momentarily normal until one’s eyes fall upon an outlying characteristic.