Dieter Rams 迪特·拉姆斯现代设计原则
迪特·拉姆斯(Dieter Rams, 1932- ):“诗意的简约”
德国设计大师,被认为是功能主义最重要的代表人物之一。从1955年到1997年,他与Braun保持了长期的合作关系,担任了所有和产品开发有关的职务:建筑师、室内设计师、产品设计师、设计室主任、设计总监、常务董事。可以说,他的设计与Braun密不可分。他设计的产品多种多样,从闹钟到粉碎器,都带有鲜明而独特的个人风格。他获得过许多奖项,其作品曾在世界最重要的画廊展出。他被看作是率先采用生态友好技术的先锋之一,他将这种技术使用在日用小家电的设计中。他的作品在细节上一丝不苟,比如他设计的便携式收音机或收音机、CD一体机。60年代,他设计了606书架和620可调节椅子,为Vitsoe设计了钢制的601/601,该产品在80年代经De Padova公司把材料改成铝之后重新推出。他深信产品应该优先考虑功能,而不是外形。在他的设计中,他始终表现出对物品使用方式的尊重。
迪特·拉姆斯1932年出生于德国威斯巴登。改学建筑之前他在这里学了木匠。1953年毕业之后,拉姆斯在一家叫Otto Apel’s 的建筑事务所工作。在这之后的1955年他才受聘于博朗。拉姆斯说他进博朗完全是机缘巧合。但是他确实是在正确的时间去了正确的地方。
对于拉姆斯而言,加入博朗更像是加入一个由几个志趣相投的年轻人组织的团队。加入博朗不久,拉姆斯就成为了公司计划的核心,年轻的老板Erwin和Artur Braun非常信任他。在先锋设计师Wilhelm Wagenfeld(包豪斯),Fritz Eichler 和Hans Gugelot(乌尔姆学院)的影响下,他们彻底重组了这个在1921年由父辈创立的公司。
接下来整整一年时间,拉姆斯一直跟Hans Gugelot合作设计一款新型的收录机。这就是著名的Phonosuper SK4。这台收录机因为有着透明顶盖和白色的金属外壳,而被称作“雪白的匣子”。SK4具有革命性的创新设计。她跟当时任何家用电器都不一样——不仅仅因为敦实的比例——而是因为布尔乔亚们钟爱的家用电器被如此巧妙的安放在一个像家具一样的盒子里。这在当时无疑是非常时髦的设计。SK4只是拉姆斯和博朗40年合作的开始。1961年,29岁的拉姆斯成为博朗设计部门的负责人。他带领着他的团队成员承担了几乎所有跟设计相关的事务,包括产品设计到平面设计,甚至新技术开发。而各种国际设计奖项也都纷至沓来。
拉姆斯的职业生涯中很少设计除博朗以外的产品。但是,跟Niels Vitsae的合作是个例外。这家德国家具品牌从而开发出了“拉姆斯式”的产品——远离时尚;设计精良;品质优秀;堪称经典。
Naoto Fukasawa 和 Jasper Morrison 这两位当红的设计大师可以说都深受拉姆斯的影响。另外还有苹果的设计总监Jonathan Ive打造的iPod iBook也折射出了拉姆斯的设计哲学——“更少但是更好的设计”。为了向大师致敬,Jonathan 甚至把iPhone的计算器界面直接设计成了拉姆斯1987年设计的ET44便携式计算器的模样。2006年东京的“Super Normal”设计展上,Fucasawa 和 Morrison从推广优良设计的角度出发,展出和介绍了拉姆斯的606家具系统。拉姆斯的许多设计,比如LE1扬声器,T2台灯和T3便携收音机都被纽约MoMA博物馆永久收藏。
“耐久设计”这个概念数年前就出现了。拉姆斯自始至终都坚持把这一概念贯穿到他所有的设计中去。他提倡设计要去除日益增长的所谓“视觉污染”和“肤浅的垃圾文化”。Vitsoe的总监Mark Adams也支持拉姆斯“耐久设计”的设计哲学。他也坚决反对不合理的低劣设计所带来的污染和浪费:“半个世纪以来,我们越来越认识到:我们必须认识到用少而耐久的物品可以过更理想的生活 。”
建立起20世纪工业设计标准的拉姆斯本该急流勇退安享晚年,但是他现在仍然在为他的理想而忙碌。拉姆斯在Kronberg的家里几乎所有的东西都是自己亲自设计的。他解释道:“我只能跟我自己设计的东西一起生活。”现在拉姆斯很少在家里工作,而是一直奔波于世界各地办展览,向公众展示他的设计和理念。最近在莫斯科的Kuskovo Palace博物馆就有他的个人作品展。拉姆斯非常喜欢日本传统美学。其中Wabi-Sabi跟他自己的理想——“诗意的简约”非常接近。他自己的花园采用日本式的线条;而且他称2005年在日本Kyoto的Kenninji Zen 个展是他“个人职业生涯的闪光点”。
1. 好设计是创新的 Good Design is innovative
It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovation must be clearly seen in all functions of a product. The possibilities in this respect are by no means exhausted. Technological development keeps offering new chances for innovative solutions.
2. 好设计让产品有用 Good Design makes a product useful
A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a defined purpose – in both primary and additional functions. The most important task of design is to optimise the utility of a product.
3. 好设计有美感 Good Design is aesthetic
The aesthetic quality of a product – and the fascination it inspires – is an integral part of the its utility. Without doubt, it is uncomfortable and tiring to have to put up with products that are confusing, that get on your nerves, that you are unable to relate to. However, it has always been a hard task to argue about aesthetic quality, for two reasons.
Firstly, it is difficult to talk about anything visual, since words have a different meaning for different people.
Secondly, aesthetic quality deals with details, subtle shades, harmony and the equilibrium of a whole variety of visual elements. A good eye is required, schooled by years and years of experience, in order to be able to draw the right conclusion.
4. 好设计有助于产品的传达 Good Design helps a product be understood
It clarifies the structure of the product. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory and saves you the long, tedious perusal of the operating manual.
5. 好设计无障 Good Design is unobtrusive
Products that satisfy this criterion are tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained leaving room for the user’s self-expression.
6. 好设计是诚实的 Good Design is honest
An honestly-designed product must not claim features it does not have – being more innovative, more efficient, of higher value. It must not influence or manipulate buyers and users.
7. 好设计是持久的 Good Design is durable
It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is one of the major differences between well-designed products and trivial objects for a waste-producing society. Waste must no longer be tolerated.
8. 好设计追求细节 Good Design is thorough to the last detail
Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user
9. 好设计关注环境 Good Design is concerned with environment
Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensible use of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution, but also the visual pollution and destruction of our environment.
10. 好设计是极简的 Good Design is as little design as possible
Back to purity, back to simplicity.
德国工业设计大师 Dieter Rams 的十条优秀设计准则
【1、优秀的设计应该是创新的。Good design is innovative.】
创新的可能性是永远存在并且不会消耗殆尽的。科技日新月异的发展不断为创新设计提供了崭新的机会。 同时创新设计总是伴随着科技的进步而向前发展,永远不会完结。
It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produce any kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovation must be clearly seen in all functions of a product. The possibilities in this respect are by no means exhausted. Technological development keeps offering new chances for innovative solutions.
(TP 1 收音机/唱机组合, 1959,Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)
【2、优秀的设计让产品更加实用。 Good Design makes a product useful.】
产品买来是要使用的。 至少要满足某些基本标准,,不但是功能,也要体现在用户的购买心里和产品的审美上。 优秀的设计强调实用性的同时也不能忽略其它方面,不然产品就会大打折扣。
A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a defined purpose – in both primary and additional functions. The most important task of design is to optimise the utility of a product.
(MPZ 21 multipress榨汁机, 1972,Dieter Rams and Jürgen Greubel为博朗公司设计)
【3、优秀的设计是美的。Good Design is aesthetic.】
The aesthetic quality of a product – and the fascination it inspires – is an integral part of the its utility. Without doubt, it is uncomfortable and tiring to have to put up with products that are confusing, that get on your nerves, that you are unable to relate to. However, it has always been a hard task to argue about aesthetic quality, for two reasons.
(RT 20 tischsuper收音机, 1961,Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)
【4、优秀的设计使产品更容易被读懂。 Good Design helps a product be understood.】
It clarifies the structure of the product. Better still, it can make the product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory and saves you the long, tedious perusal of the operating manual.
(T 1000 收音机, 1963, Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)
【5、优秀的设计是毫无妨碍的。Good Design is unobtrusive.】
产品要像工具一样能够达成某种目的。 它们既不是装饰物也不是艺术品。因此它们应该是中庸的,带有约束的,这样会给使用者的个性表现上留有一定空间。
Products that satisfy this criterion are tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained leaving room for the user’s self-expression.
(圆柱形T2打火机, 1968,Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)
【6、优秀的设计是诚实的。Good Design is honest.】
An honestly-designed product must not claim features it does not have – being more innovative, more efficient, of higher value. It must not influence or manipulate buyers and users.
(L 450 平板扬声器,TG 60开盘式录音机和TS 45控制器, 1962-64,Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)
【7、优秀的设计经得起岁月的考验。Good Design is durable.】
It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is one of the major differences between well-designed products and trivial objects for a waste-producing society. Waste must no longer be tolerated.
(620椅子, 1962,Dieter Rams for为Vitsoe公司设计)
【8、优秀的设计是考虑周到并且不放过每个细节的。 Good Design is thorough to the last detail.】
Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with the product and its functions, as seen through the eyes of the user.
(ET 66 计算器, 1987,Dietrich Lubs为博朗公司设计。)
【9、优秀的设计是关注环境的。Good Design is concerned with environment.】
Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensible use of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution, but also the visual pollution and destruction of our environment.
(606 通用搁架, 1960,Dieter Rams为Vitsœ公司设计)
【10、优秀的设计是简洁的。Good Design is as little design as possible.】
Back to purity, back to simplicity.
(L 2扬声器, 1958,Dieter Rams为博朗公司设计)
Dieter Rams作品欣赏:
SK4 record player, 1956 Braun 被英国人戏称为“白雪公主的棺材”,以嘲讽它的极简。
Braun Alarm Clock 博朗闹钟
KM3 kitchen Machine 1957 ,Braun
Braun SK2
MPZ2 1972 ,Braun
Dieter Rams与苹果设计风格的延续
Dieter Rams是一名来自德国的工业设计大师,简约主义设计风格的代表人物、新功能主义的创始人和代言人,是建立起20世纪工业设计标准的大师级人物。Dieter Rams这位年近80岁设计大师的许多设计作品,至今还被世人沿用,男士们应该还满熟悉博朗的剃须刀,就是Rams在博朗公司重组后推出的第一个产品,即大获成功。此外还有很多现代艺术、建筑和影像的设计作品,60年代初的SK55唱片机和T1000 收音机,以及人们至今还使用着的Vitsoe 606货架系统,都是Rams的作品。
Fast Company Design最近采访了Dieter Rams,大师在采访中分享了一些对于现代通用设计的想法,优秀设计原则,以及杰出、持续的设计方案的重要性和对公司的价值。
从下面Rams电子产品的设计图中我们可以看出,苹果的设计风格其实在某些方面与Rams的设计风格十分相似,但是Rams并没有说苹果的设计团队抄袭这样的话,反而称赞 Jonathan Ive和苹果的其他设计师能够沿用他曾经使用过的设计准则,因为理念相似,所以产品风格才会有相似之处。
Dieter Rams相信,苹果这样的理念「模仿」是对他本人最真诚敬重的表现,Dieter Rams曾经和 Jonathan Ive一起参观过苹果的工作流程,并且大加称赞。同时,Dieter Rams还表示 Jonathan Ive与苹果CEO Steve Jobs好友般的关系也是让苹果优秀产品设计得以持续的原因之一。Rams回忆,他看到Ive-Jobs之间的关系,就仿佛当初他在博朗公司一样,设计师可以直接和最高执行官汇报交流,而不是通过什么市场部门。
1960s Braun Products Hold the Secrets to Apple’s Future
The year 2008 marks the 10th Anniversary of the iMac, the computer that changed everything at Apple, hailing a new design era spearheaded by design genius Jonathan Ive. What most people don’t know is that there’s another man whose products are at the heart of Ive’s design philosophy, an influence that permeates every single product at Apple, from hardware to user-interface design. That man is Dieter Rams, and his old designs for Braun during the ’50s and ’60s hold all the clues not only for past and present Apple products, but their future as well:
When you look at the Braun products by Dieter Rams—many of them at New York’s MoMA—and compare them to Ive’s work at Apple, you can clearly see the similarities in their philosophies way beyond the sparse use of color, the selection of materials and how the products are shaped around the function with no artificial design, keeping the design “honest.”
This passion for “simplicity” and “honest design” that is always declared by Ive whenever he’s interviewed or appears in a promo video, is at the core of Dieter Rams’ 10 principles for good design:
2008年是iMac问世十周年纪念,而Jonathan Ive就是设计这台扭转Apple命运,乃至创造一个新时代电脑的设计奇才。多数人可能并不知道,Ive设计哲学受到另一位设计师深刻的影响,这个影响反应在每一件Apple的产品——从硬件到用户界面。这个人就是Dieter Rams,从他在上世纪50年代到60年代为德国品牌Braun(博朗)设计的产品中,我们依稀看到Apple过去到现在设计的产品中沿袭着的“设计密码”,可以预见未来Apple的产品还将受到影响。
时至今日,当人们看到陈列在纽约现代美术馆中那些由Rams设计的Braun生产的产品,当将他们与Ive为Apple设计的产品进行对比的时候,二者之间的设计哲学——从色彩的使用,材料的选择,到“形式追随功能”,剔除人工痕迹,体现“坦诚”的设计思想——都是那么相似。 Ive在多个采访和设计讲解过程中不厌其烦地阐述他如何痴迷于“简约”的设计风格和“坦诚”的设计语言,实际上这也是对Rams提出的十条设计理念的追求:
• Good design is innovative.
• Good design makes a product useful.
• Good design is aesthetic.
• Good design helps us to understand a product.
• Good design is unobtrusive.
• Good design is honest.
• Good design is durable.
• Good design is consequent to the last detail.
• Good design is concerned with the environment.
• Good design is as little design as possible.
好的设计是创新的 Good design is innovative.
好的设计创造好用的产品 Good design makes a product useful.
好的设计是符合审美的 Good design is aesthetic.
好的设计帮助我们理解产品 Good design helps us to understand a product.
好的设计是含蓄的 Good design is unobtrusive
好的设计是坦诚的 Good design is honest.
好的设计是耐用的 Good design is durable.
好的设计由最终的细节决定 Good design is consequent to the last detail.
好的设计关注环境 Good design is concerned with the environment.
好的设计是“没有”设计 Good design is as little design as possible.
Ive’s inspiration on Rams’ design principles goes beyond the philosophy and gets straight into a direct homage to real products created decades ago. Amazing pieces of industrial design that still today remain fresh, true classics that have survived the test of time.
The similarities between products from Braun and Apple are sometimes uncanny, others more subtle, but there’s always a common root that provides the new Apple objects not only with a beautiful simplicity but also with a close familiarity.
Braun Atelier TV and latest iMac 24 博朗专业级电视 & 08新款iMac
Braun T1000 radio and PowerMac G5/Mac Pro 博朗T1000型收音机 & Mac Pro(PowerPC G5)
Detail of the radio perforated aluminum surface 以上两者外表的排孔铝合金材质
Braun T3 pocket radio and Apple iPod 博朗T3口袋收音机 & iPod 1st Generation
Braun L60 sound system and Apple iPod Hi-Fi 博朗L60音响系统 & iPod Hi-Fi
Braun LE1 speaker and Apple iMac 博朗LE1音箱 & iMac
Some people will probably call these examples a “rip-off” but, in a world where industrial design and art are constantly being recycled into new work, I just see Apple’s products as a great evolution to classic concepts. Now, as I look at Rams’ work I can’t help but to wonder: which of these old Braun designs will Apple revive next? Is there a MacBook Air—the rumored ultra-slim wire-free portable that seems to be the favorite bet for tomorrow’s keynote—in there?
Dieter Rams Gallery
Hopefully, we’ll discover at least some answers tomorrow. See you at Macworld!
不管是Ive或是Dieter Rams,他们所提倡的所谓“简单”的造型形态不是指设计风格,因为造型形态只是物理表象,达到简化造型有多重手段。从斯堪的维亚的设计中可以看到,通过近乎完美的人机效用设计、通过对材料特质的利用,造型形态的简化被作了最好的阐释。约瑟夫•艾尔伯斯教导学生通过对“材料的经济使用”来作设计,形成简单而在“视觉上和构造上的不同层次”,这种对材料与造型关系的研究,是不“粉饰”设计、求简约精致的精要。
丹麦工业设计师Jacob Jensen相信“设计是一种语言,它能够被任何人理解”。
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