




将废船变为水上艺术的想法源于前街头艺术家莫里斯·布朗特(Maurice Blunt)。布朗特乘火车经过此地时发现了“兰斯特公爵号”,经过和船主交涉,便将自己独特的想法变为现实。


An abandoned ship off the North Wales coast has been brought back to life after being covered in intricate street art. The hull of the rusting Duke Of Lancaster has been used as a blank canvas by a host of international graffiti artists, who call themselves the DuDug collective.

The former SeaLink passenger ferry has sat in a dry dock at the Dee estuary in Flintshire, North Wales, since 1979. Its hull is now covered in eight enormous images measuring up to 18m (60ft) high and 14m (45ft) wide, and there are plans for more.

Turning the ship into a floating art installation was the brainchild of former street artist Maurice Blunt, who spotted the Duke Of Lancaster from a train. Seeing its potential Maurice tracked down the owners and proposed her unique idea for transforming the forgotten vessel.

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