其实Kaws从12岁开始已经对涂鸦发生兴趣,但一直到1991年才正式开始在街头进行涂鸦。如之前提到的一样,Kaws与一般人在墙壁、地铁、火车上涂鸦不同,他却在广告画或海报上(例如DKNY, Calvin Klein)加上自己著名的Skull与Crossbones涂鸦图案,他通常会把海报带回STUDIO加工再送会原位,正因如此,他又被称为“涂鸦怪盗”。而他的作品很快便被职员替换掉,所以特别珍贵。但后来Kaws成名后,聪明的广告客户就主动把广告送给Kaws“涂鸦”,首先这样做的便是主打年轻市场的DIESEL。
之后Kaws在巴黎开画展,同时推出作品集。日本杂志也极力推介,更为他推出专集。使KAWS慢慢走入正统艺术殿堂,现在,KWAS的作品市场价格已经高达3万美金。 在时装方面, Kaws亦替 Undercover,realmad Hetic等热门街头品牌设计服饰。音乐方面,KWAS 近期就为TOWA TEI的《SWEET ROBOTSAGANST THE MACHINE》及APE的《CHERIE》设计CD封面。
2006年创办街头潮流品牌Original Fake,进军潮流服饰市场,利用各样独有的Kaws式代表元素,延伸至服饰当中。在时尚方面, Kaws亦为Bape、Undercover,realmad Hetic、Clot等热门街头品牌设计服饰进行联名企划。音乐方面,Kaws亦为Towa Tei的《SWEET ROBOTSAGANST THE MACHINE》、Bape的《CHERIE》、Kanye West等一线明星设计CD封面。
在媒体各方的极力帮助下,使Kaws慢慢走入正统艺术殿堂,现在,Kaws的艺术作品市场价格已经高达3万美金之多。当中Wonderful World这个作品更是以高达40万美金的价钱售出,与国内知名艺术家岳敏君创作的figure更是在艺术界轰动一时。
原伪OriginalFake Kaws品牌故事:
原伪 (OriginalFake Kaws) 的卡通形象:有着X双眼,有着豆荚一样的大大双耳,有着灯泡一样的头型,没有嘴却有4颗暴露的大牙,有着米老鼠一样的大裤衩和双手双腿 (不过很明显身材设计得比米老鼠要高哦!) 的奇异造型。
品牌创建人:Kaws,嘻哈艺术家+玩具设计师 (hip artist and toy designer) ,1974年出生于美国新泽西州,Kaws 在东京Aoyama区开了一家时尚潮店”OriginalFake”,这个品牌是Kaws与Medicom Toy 玩具公司合作的创意产物。
Kaws和不少潮流品牌和艺术家都有合作,其中包括与川久保玲 (Comme des Garcons) 著名的丹佛街 (Dover Street Market) 合作、与安逸猿 (Bape) 的合作 Kaws X Bape、和涂鸦大师Futura的合作 Kaws X Futura、和凯罗伯大头机器人(Kidrobot) 的合作 Kaws X Kid Robot 等……还有和陈冠希的Clot合作 (广告麻豆是舒淇) 哦!
original fake官方网站:http://www.original-fake.com/
Thought this was a cool picutre mainly because of the Kaws character and the fact rihanna is in it is a bonus.
Rihanna x Kaws.
Brian Donnelly’s world
Brian Donnelly (born 1974 in Jersey City, New Jersey), professionally known as KAWS, is a New York-based artist and designer of limited edition toys and clothing. He currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
KAWS was born Brian Donnelly in Jersey City, New Jersey. He graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in illustration in 1996. After graduation, KAWS briefly worked for Disney as a freelance animator painting backgrounds. He also contributed to the animated series 101 Dalmatians, Daria and Doug.
He began his career as a graffiti artist growing up in Jersey City, New Jersey. Later moving to New York City in the 1990s, KAWS started subverting imagery on billboards, bus shelters and phone booth advertisements. These reworked advertisements were at first left alone, lasting for up to several months, but as KAWS’ popularity skyrocketed, the ads became increasingly sought after. In addition to New York, KAWS has done work in Paris, London, Berlin and Tokyo.
In the late 90s, KAWS began to design and produce limited edition vinyl toys, “an instant hit with the global art toy-collecting community,” especially in Japan, where this genre is well respected and widespread. More toys and later clothing were made for Original Fake, a recent collaborative store with Medicom Toy, in the Aoyama district of Tokyo where an original limited edition product is released each week. KAWS has also participated in other commercial collaborations with Nigo for A Bathing Ape, Jun “Jonio” Takahashi for Undercover, Michael “Mic” Neumann for Kung Faux, snowboard projects with Burton, and sneakers with Nike and Vans. His most recent collaboration was with Comme des Garçons. As of August 2010, it is reported that Kaws has designed a limited edition bottle for Dos Equis, a Mexican beer brand. The bottle is slated for release in Mexico in early September 2010.
KAWS’ acrylic paintings and sculpture have many repeating images, all meant to be universally understood, surpassing languages and cultures. One of KAWS’ early series, Package Paintings, was made in 2000. This series, entitled The Kimpsons, subverted the famous American cartoon, The Simpsons. KAWS explains that he “found it weird how infused a cartoon could become in people’s lives; the impact it could have, compared to regular politics.” In addition, KAWS has reworked other familiar icons such as Mickey Mouse, the Michelin Man, the Smurfs, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
Through all of his projects, KAWS has successfully blurred the line between fine art and mass-produced merchandise. He uses his products to allow his imagery to infiltrate a larger audience than that of the fine art world. The artist is currently an active member in both the commercial and fine art communities. Recent solo exhibitions include OriginalFake at the Bape Gallery in Tokyo (2003) where his sculpture “Wonderful World” sold for $400,000. KAWS has been periodically showing both paintings and products at Colette in Paris since 1999. His work is included in the traveling exhibition Beautiful Losers, which started at the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center and will be traveling through 2009 throughout the US and Europe.
KAWS “PassingThrough” Exhibition Recap
After much buzz, and anticipation, the long awaited KAWS “PassingThrough” exhibition is set for an official opening tomorrow. The oversize companion figure was unveiled last week, and tomorrow marks the unveiling of KAWS’s most extensive show to date. KAWS’s full array of figures will be on display, including his chum, companion, and tweetie vinyls alongside some specially designed drawings that will debut at the show. The work will be on display until October 24th at Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong’s Harbour City with a full compliment of merchandise for sale including t-shirts, mugs, and sticker sets.
Harbour City
3 – 27 Canton Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Photography: Hypebeast
街头涂鸦大师Kaws与日本时尚大师川久保玲 (Comme des Garcons) 跨界合作推出的香水系列,极罕限量,值得珍藏。
Kaws × 川久保玲 (Comme des Garcons) Parfums时尚潮流味
街头涂鸦大师Kaws 与日本时尚大师川久保玲 (Comme des Garcons) 跨界合作推出的香水系列,极罕限量,值得珍藏。
黑白手感涂鸦,一笔一画勾勒出Kaws 的原创风格,充满对比的视觉效果,与川久保玲 (Comme des Garcons) Parfums系列所要传达的概念不谋而合,层层堆叠的香气,轻轻淡淡却散发出无限的想像力。这个圣诞节,就让Kaws × 川久保玲 (Comme des Garcons) 的无限惊喜,为街头潮流增添一点时尚魅力。
Comme 3 Eau de Toilette 100 ml natural spray
Comme 3 是幻想中花朵的味道,一朵你也想成为的耀眼白色花朵,生长在梦境当中。
KAWS打入高级时装市场 KAWS x Marc Jacobs晚会舞鞋
KAWS已经由街头艺术界踏入到高级时装界,最近KAWS便与Marc Jacobs合作设计了一款联名纪念鞋款,这款鞋是为了纪念Marc Jacobs成立十周年而推出的纪念单品,全鞋采用黑色柒皮面料,很多KAWS的经典元素如“XX眼睛”及“UUUUU牙齿”都融合到鞋里面。这款鞋全球限量150双,只会于东京OriginalFake,巴黎的colette 以及Marc Jacobs美国和伦敦的旗舰店发售,发售日期为9月29号星期一。
溶解KAWS Companion! Robert Lazzarini x OriginalFake figure
打造出全新的Robert Lazzarini版本,歪斜扭曲的外观,简直是将KAWS Companion溶解了!极富后现代抽象感!而这亦是继片山正通及空山基之后,近年KAWS再度将figure交由艺术界好友负责设计,收藏价值比一般KAWS Companion更高!
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2 条评论了 “Kaws:OriginalFake”
Thats not just logic. Thats really snesilbe.