“Lana Sutra” Benetton毛线石膏装置艺术

“Lana Sutra” Benetton毛线石膏装置艺术


Lana Sutra,15个装置艺术作品系列展示旨在颂扬平等,倡导分享――Benetton 将创新、艺术、品牌故事和未来愿景编织在一起。第一大装置设计-「虎式」(The Position of the Tiger),在威尼斯第54届国际艺术双年展的意大利展馆中一经展出,备受好评。基于此,Benetton将会于9月6日在三个城市――伊斯坦布尔、米兰和慕尼黑向国际媒体和时尚圈同步展示该系列所有作品。由年轻的古巴艺术家―Fabrica的工作人员艾瑞克.拉韦洛(Erik Ravelo)精心打造,该系列15个装置设计将会通过Benetton数字在线视窗(Benetton Live Windows)和现场直播向全世界进行展示。

Benetton品牌DNA的两大构成要素――羊毛和色彩,均被融入该系列艺术作品中,成为Benetton品牌精髓的表达符号。届时,展览还将呈现贝纳通「United Colors of Benetton」2011秋冬系列――在经典针织品中注入新鲜元素,体现经典与现代的完美融合;以极尽优雅的线条,拥抱美好未来。

Ravelo的15个装置设计作品蕴含了他对经(Kamasutra)要旨的感知(用愉快代表Kama爱神,用串连的毛线代表Sutra佛经)。它们将分别在位于伊斯坦布尔巴格达大街的概念店、位于艾曼纽二世大道(Corso Vittorio Emanuele)的米兰超大精品店和位于考芬格大街(Kaufingerstrasse) 15号的慕尼黑旗舰店展出。这些精美绝伦的艺术作品还将会被送到艺术馆进行展示,体现了Benetton与艺术之间的息息相关与密不可分。之后Ravelo的作品还将会在世界各地的Benetton 店进行巡展。


它也体现了一个包含多元素的品牌――贝纳通「United Colors of Benetton」的价值理念,其时装主要由针织品和色彩组成 ,其内涵包罗万象――融合了各个民族、各个种族、各种观点,激情及流行元素。

Lana Sutra国际展也将拥有原声音乐,由同样来自Fabrica的音乐家Francesco Novara作曲。这首音乐将可从因特网上进行下载,并将成为2011年秋冬Benetton 原创音乐专辑的一部分。

Lana Sutra系列将会作为特别应用程序的主题出现在Benetton Facebook主页和Twitter主页,届时网友可发表关于本次活动的感想,与我们积极互动。



Erik Ravelo官方网站:http://www.erik-ravelo.com/

I’m a human being and I don’t believe in borders. I think the world belongs to everyone born on Earth. This is my planet, our planet. No man is an island. Yes, I was born on Cuba but, above all, I was born on Planet Earth. I like to think that Lana Sutra talks about universal love which cancels diversity.

It is humanly natural to think of things and forces that separate us from each other.  Language, culture, place, values and tradition; they all create a separation which we call differences or diversity. Erik Ravelo is a Cuban artist at Fabrica who has viewed those differences as the palette to break down and dissolve those differences. In his latest work, Lana Sutra, with United Colors of Benetton, his experiences concerning diversity shaped and unified the convergence on diversity, love.

There is a common thread that unites us and it is stronger than anything else that might separate us; this is love. We are citizens of one planet, one humankind. As humans, it’s as if we need acts of war, natural disasters or other negative catastrophes to remind us of our mortality; we believe that this is not the best reminder. We believe that through art, we can remind ourselves of our potential as humans; we can remind ourselves of our love through sharing and our strength as one race. Art shows us the imagination and connection we share through different mediums. It has the power to captivate and uplift our spirits as it delivers the message.

We have conceived a project which combines both Benetton’s  traditional and new values, such as the uniqueness and authenticity of our fashions, our love of art, the constantly evolving nature of our retail business and our interest in the web and in the new geography of our world. These are metaphorically held together by wool threads in bright colours: two key elements of Benetton’s DNA, which are blended together in these art pieces to become a true expression of our brand’s essence. With this project, which has been conceived and developed in harmony with our new Fall-Winter 2011 collection, we are highlighting the uniqueness and global values associated with United Colors of Benetton: an all-encompassing brand whose fashion unites with a truthful voice, people, points of view and themes that touch the whole of humanity.

“Lana Sutra”艺术装置的制作过程:


Dance of the Missionary

Position of the Anvil

Position of Yin and Yang

Union of the Antelope

Union of the Scorpion

Union of the Starling

[请保留:后时代 http://www.houshidai.com/]

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1 条评论了 ““Lana Sutra” Benetton毛线石膏装置艺术”

  • 超飞
    23 三月, 2012 21:57

    这不是。。。这不是。。。 :razz: :razz: :razz:
