

Kain Lucas – Victoria Side Table

经常下厨的人应该都有这样的经历,切完各种配菜如姜蒜等,如果放在砧板上就会混在一起,拿盛放又十分占地方。设计师Kain Lucas想到了一个好的办法,在砧板上有4个洞,每个洞都配备了一个小,配菜切好后就可以放入里面,从此轻松分门别类了。

澳大利亚设计师Kain Lucas的厨具设计,在木制切菜板上设计了四个用来放置碟盘的凹槽,节省空间的同时又能避免碟盘的意外滑落。

Actually they’re more like tiny bowls. This right here is a fantastic, I daresay essential tool for your kitchen if you’re really into chopping. I’ve got a major love for chopping, most people who love chopped up fruits and vegetables love chopping, we ALL love chopping. So this is the “Bowlboard,” where you can not only chop with ease, you can separate what you’ve chopped with ease into laid-in bowls. Then when they’re full, just lift em out and pour em. Such a brilliant little thing!

This whole board is made of carbonized bambo, an “eco-friendly” type of situation for your home. I know you love that sort of stuff. This is the FUTURE. Save the whales while chopping the carrots!

Then the boals are white colored malamine which is mold resistant and non-porous. As you can see, they just sit in the board, removable for easy cleaning of everything by itself.

Chop chop chop!


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