Tears In Heaven

60年代末,在伦敦和纽约街头墙壁上最显眼的涂鸦是“克莱普顿(Clapton)”。这首《Tears In Heaven》是克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)用他已经被悲痛碾得粉碎的心为纪念他的儿子所作。

在一次演出归来的途中,年轻的布鲁斯吉他大师Stevie Ray Vaughan和克莱普顿(的演出伙伴Colin Smythe 和Nigel Browne 在直升机失事的事故中丧生,克莱普顿坐在后面的飞机上亲眼目睹了这一惨痛的场面。他们都是克莱普顿最亲近的朋友。几个月后,他的幼子Conor从曼哈顿53层楼的窗口意外坠下身亡。这不仅仅是英国吉他摇滚巨星,这不仅仅是6项格莱美获奖歌手,这只是一位平凡的父亲,一个因为失去孩子而频频苛责自己的可怜父亲。我们难以想象40多岁才得子的他失去儿子的心情,而这首歌就是写给他的亡儿的。



Tears In Heaven

Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?

would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?

I must be strong, and carry on

‘Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven

Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?

Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?

I’ll find my way, through night and day

‘Cause I know I just can’t stay here in heaven

Time can bring you down; time can bend your knee

Time can break your heart. Have you begging please? begging please?

Beyond the door there’s peace I’m sure.

And I know there’ll be no more tears in heaven

Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven

would it be the same if I saw you in heaven

I must be strong, and carry on

‘Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven

‘Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven

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