2012-10-15 | 所属分类 [ 设计 ]
日本设计师Tatsuo Kuroda用铁丝编制出椅子和靠背,再用木腿支撑起来便完成了这款超级简洁轻盈的座椅——Wirewood。铁丝与木结构结合出被空开了一定距离,让上面”坐儿“的部分貌似浮在木腿上,显得更加轻盈精致。
The Wirewood chair is a chair simply composed from a steel wire frame over a wooden base – a combination of the two typologies of mid-century Modernist wire chairs and the traditional Shaker style.
The wire frame is jointed with the base of the chair by insertion into holes in the solid timber. This form gives the chair its own individual look.
My intention was to reference the classic forms and basic materials of historical furniture in order to reinterpret the contemporary chair.