Wallpaper时尚情色插画Love letters
2012-10-1 | 所属分类 [ 设计 ]
Malika Favre法国插画艺术家,现居住在英国伦敦。擅长使用简单的形状及角色构成画面,画面简洁,构成感强,现代且时尚。
Love letters字体设计
The theme of the July issue of Wallpaper is sex. They asked Malika Favre of Airside, to turn her Alphabunnies into an alphabet of lovely ladies. Actually Malika did not just do a redesign of the figurines, but she also did a whole new set of letters, she only kept her favorite the G. You can buy the indivual letters as a limited edition print, but you should also have a look at the animated banner on the wallpaper website.