水族馆里隐形的轮廓花瓶——由日本 Nendo 设计工作室带来的“隐形的轮廓”Invisible Outlines早在米兰设计周开幕前,这 30 只花瓶就已刷爆 Instagram。
这些花瓶由超薄透明硅胶制做、染色而成,被放置在 Jil Sander 展厅的水族馆中,轻盈而柔软的花瓶会随着水波的摆动像水母一样游弋,美得通透空灵。一直以来,纤细的线条与简洁轮廓便是日本设计工作室 Nendo 标志性的设计语言,即便外行不识 Nendo 的名字,但他的很多作品我们必定不会陌生。
Jellyfish vase for Milan Design Week
Vases that float like jellyfish in the water. 30 vases of various sizes are placed in a 1800 mm aquarium filled with water and the strength and direction of the water’s current is carefully adjusted so that they undulate moderately. The vases are made out of ultrathin transparent silicon that has been dyed twice to give the impression that what is floating in the water is but a gradated silhouette of colours.